

Monday, December 31, 2012


This is our pet cat Sushi. She is a calico cat (kind of small though). I drew this picture based off of a picture I took of her when she was a bit smaller (Sorry for not making a tutorial I was trying to get it done quickly).

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

How To Draw Person With Chicken

First you make your fade circles, As usual (don't forget the hair. I would list all the circles but that would take a while).
Then darken the hair, head, shirt, and arm.
Then using the circle on the arm make the fingers one by one. (make the finger in front last).
Then using the other circle make another hand and add more detail to the shirt and neck (as you can see I added a little more hair). And also add a mouth and darken the eyes.
Then work on the chicken. Make the beak around the edge of the face and make the comb attach to the beak (also add feathers on the wings to tell them apart from the rest of the chicken). Also add an arm coming around the chicken.
Then shadow your picture and add detail to the eyes.
Next you color in your chicken (what ever colors you want). And color in the person's eyes and mouth.
 Then color in the face and shirt.

                                                               Then color in the hair and sign (I added a little too much shadowing so try to very lightly shadow it using your charcoal pencil.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

How To Draw A Cat

 The first thing that you do is make your fade circles (again). One for the head, one for the body, three for the feet, one for the thigh, and one for the tail.
 Then you make your basic outline using your circles and add eyes, a nose, a mouth, and lines for the toe spaces.
 Then you erase your fade circles to leave only your cat.
Now it is time to add the markings. You can give your cat any design that you want, I think tabbies are easiest (even though I am not really a tabby fan).
Then you color in your cat and sign your picture. Sorry about how the black showed up and that the cat did not work out perfectly. I am planning on doing a How To Draw A Kitten some time (maybe next week).

Saturday, December 8, 2012

How To Draw A Rabbit

First you draw your fade circles for the ears, head, body, tail, thigh, and feet.
Then you make a dark outline using your lines as a guide line.
 Then erase your fade circles to reveal just your darker outline.
Now add random markings, eyes, a nose, a mouth, and lines representing the lines between the toes.
Now color in the markings the color of your choice and make a small circles near the center of the eye.
Then color the nose a light pink color in most of the eye black but leaving the circle as a light reflection then sign (Sorry about the shadowing near the bottom half of the picture).

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

How To Draw a Leopard Gecko

The first step to drawing a leopard gecko is to make your fade circles. Remember to make one for the head, two for the body, two for the tail, six for the legs, and four for the feet.
 Then you trace your lines to get your basic shape.
Then you will add the pattern for the leopard gecko (I changed the snout from step two). I made the pattern of this  leopard gecko resemble my pet leopard gecko, Savannah.
 Then color in the eyes, lines, and spots black.
 Next you will color in half of the tail bands your dark brown (When I say half I mean leave a band between each dark brown one).
Then color in the back lines light brown (I also did the spot near her tail light brown, since that is what my leopard gecko has).
Then color in most of the body and head yellow (including the legs and feet).
 Then you will color in the eyes (depending if you have a leopard gecko or not, and would like it to have the same eye color as yours) green.
Then sign your picture, I included her name on it adding yellow, orange, and light brown grass. All leopard geckos look very different, so they will not all look like this.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Drawing Objects #2

 If you are drawing an animal, you start by drawing very faint circles on your paper for more circular parts (such as on mine I did the head, snout, chest, thigh, legs, paws, and tail).
 Next you will add more detail to your object (like making the actual outline).
 After step one and two you will add extra detail (this is only for those who want a better looking drawing).
 Next, (if you object is an animal) color in the eyes and nose. Try to leave a white dot in the middle of the eye for light reflection.
Then compare it to the object that you were drawing (I signed my picture after taking the picture).

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


For today's post I drew three dogs. I drew a Shih-tzu, a dalmatian, and some kind of mutt. Knowing your dog breeds can help you draw them better. Like if you thought that a Shih-tzu was an athletic dog, you might draw it jumping for a Frisbee or running. Do you know which one is your favorite?

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Drawing With Your Eyes Closed

Hi viewers! Today we will learn how to draw with your eyes closed. When drawing with your eyes closed you need to remember one thing. It will almost never turn out as good as it would if your eyes were opened. From left to right my drawings were SUPPOSED to be a rabbit, a bull terrier, a cat, a puppy of some sort, a bear, a frog and a French bulldog. Sometime you should try to draw with yours eyes closed but there is a disadvantage besides it not going as you planned, they tend to look like zombie animals.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

How To Draw A Lily

In this lesson, I will teach you how to draw a yellow and black lily. One reason that I like drawing flowers is that you can make them any color that you want (I prefer darker colors over bright and flashy colors). Another reason is that they are harder to mess up. When drawing an animal or person, you seem to have to get the eyes just right, the nose just right, and the proportions just right. But the problem now is, if you want to go outside and get a flower to draw there will not be any because...... Fall is starting!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Mixing Animals

Drawing a mixture of animals can sometimes be more fun than drawing a real animal. One of those reasons are that you tend to have more colors on a mixture of animals. And another reason is that you get to think up all the animals that you would like to use for your mix of animals. For my picture I gave the animal the head and ears of a rabbit, the trunk of an elephant, the front half of a St. Bernard, the back half of a cheetah, and the tail of an alligator. If you are not doing much today I suggest you draw something like this.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Drawing Objects

When drawing something real, the first thing that you must do is pick something to draw. Look around your room for a fairly easy to draw object. Then make sure your pencils are sharpened and that you have a nice sized piece of paper. Try to make the picture as detailed as possible, in my picture for extra detail I added fur instead of just leaving the white areas white. If you leave those areas white it can sometimes appear that the area is blank. So sometime you should try to go around your room, find a fun to draw object, and draw including small details.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Second Week Of Water Color Class

Yesterday was my second week of water color class. At first we did a lot of the same techniques, then we added to the old techniques. One of these techniques was called wicking. First we did the wet on wet, then we got the corner of a paper towel and put the corner on the bubble that the wet on wet made. and the access paint climbed up the corner of the paper towel. We also put paint in square five then used a straw to move the paint into square two.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Water Color Class

Yesterday My sisters and I went to a water color class. At the class the teacher taught us how to do different techniques like wet on wet, wet on dry, and dry brush. For wet on wet we would get some water on our brush and paint the paper with water. Then we put a little bit of paint on the water and tilted our paper. This made the paint move around our paper where we had water. For wet on dry we got some wet paint and painted a line on our dry paper. For the dry brush we put paint on our brush and gently pulled it through a folded paper towel. This effect made the paint have a bumpy texture to it. We also did salt on paint, we pulled the paint with the back of our paint brushes, and we did a small picture using the techniques that we had learned.

Typing Art

For this post I typed a rabbit. Typing pictures is fairly easy and fun. The only down sides are that you can not add one layer over another and you can not add color unless you make the outline a different color.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Food art

Fondant is a squishy edible formula (which I think tastes bad but some people think otherwise). It is easy to shape most commonly used for covering cakes. Can anyone guess what I made?

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Creative Writing

Writing a few letters on a piece of paper can be much more enjoyable when you make the letters look like animals or something other than a normal letter. For this post I wrote an A, a B, and a C. I tried to make the A look like it was made out of wood, I tried to make the B look like a butterfly, and I put a cat inside the C.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


This is a bunny I drew recently. I will try to make a how to draw movie for a rabbit, but I have been having problems with holding the camera. So the how to draw a rabbit should come out a little later than I would like.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


As you can see, this picture is of a standing horse. I drew this picture a couple days ago. I think some time, I will do a tutorial for drawing a standing horse. But for now I am still trying to think of what to draw for the blog. If you have any good ideas just leave a comment or email me.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Family of Turtles

This picture is of a family of turtles. This picture was not my idea to do though, it was suggested. If you have any suggestions just make sure to leave a comment or email your idea.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

How To Draw A Horse Head

For my very first Tutorial Tuesday I am going to teach you to draw a horse head (including the neck).

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Movie Props

Do you enjoy making movies? If you do you probably know that a movie will go a lot better if you have props. Props can be just about anything you use in your movie like backdrops, credits, or even props for a commercial.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Learn how to draw a basic dog

Hi viewers! I am going to teach you how to draw a basic dog.  And if you have any questions just leave a comment.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Dogs playing

I like drawing pictures of animals like dogs, cats, and others too.  Drawing more than one animal in the same picture makes more of a scene.  Later I will teach you how to draw like me.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Dog Circus

This is my picture of a dog circus.  I know that dogs don't really do this but sometimes it is good to go out of the bounds of reality.  I also like to draw the same animal in different drawings like making it a character for my drawings.