

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

How To Draw a Leopard Gecko

The first step to drawing a leopard gecko is to make your fade circles. Remember to make one for the head, two for the body, two for the tail, six for the legs, and four for the feet.
 Then you trace your lines to get your basic shape.
Then you will add the pattern for the leopard gecko (I changed the snout from step two). I made the pattern of this  leopard gecko resemble my pet leopard gecko, Savannah.
 Then color in the eyes, lines, and spots black.
 Next you will color in half of the tail bands your dark brown (When I say half I mean leave a band between each dark brown one).
Then color in the back lines light brown (I also did the spot near her tail light brown, since that is what my leopard gecko has).
Then color in most of the body and head yellow (including the legs and feet).
 Then you will color in the eyes (depending if you have a leopard gecko or not, and would like it to have the same eye color as yours) green.
Then sign your picture, I included her name on it adding yellow, orange, and light brown grass. All leopard geckos look very different, so they will not all look like this.