

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Drawing With Your Eyes Closed

Hi viewers! Today we will learn how to draw with your eyes closed. When drawing with your eyes closed you need to remember one thing. It will almost never turn out as good as it would if your eyes were opened. From left to right my drawings were SUPPOSED to be a rabbit, a bull terrier, a cat, a puppy of some sort, a bear, a frog and a French bulldog. Sometime you should try to draw with yours eyes closed but there is a disadvantage besides it not going as you planned, they tend to look like zombie animals.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

How To Draw A Lily

In this lesson, I will teach you how to draw a yellow and black lily. One reason that I like drawing flowers is that you can make them any color that you want (I prefer darker colors over bright and flashy colors). Another reason is that they are harder to mess up. When drawing an animal or person, you seem to have to get the eyes just right, the nose just right, and the proportions just right. But the problem now is, if you want to go outside and get a flower to draw there will not be any because...... Fall is starting!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Mixing Animals

Drawing a mixture of animals can sometimes be more fun than drawing a real animal. One of those reasons are that you tend to have more colors on a mixture of animals. And another reason is that you get to think up all the animals that you would like to use for your mix of animals. For my picture I gave the animal the head and ears of a rabbit, the trunk of an elephant, the front half of a St. Bernard, the back half of a cheetah, and the tail of an alligator. If you are not doing much today I suggest you draw something like this.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Drawing Objects

When drawing something real, the first thing that you must do is pick something to draw. Look around your room for a fairly easy to draw object. Then make sure your pencils are sharpened and that you have a nice sized piece of paper. Try to make the picture as detailed as possible, in my picture for extra detail I added fur instead of just leaving the white areas white. If you leave those areas white it can sometimes appear that the area is blank. So sometime you should try to go around your room, find a fun to draw object, and draw including small details.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Second Week Of Water Color Class

Yesterday was my second week of water color class. At first we did a lot of the same techniques, then we added to the old techniques. One of these techniques was called wicking. First we did the wet on wet, then we got the corner of a paper towel and put the corner on the bubble that the wet on wet made. and the access paint climbed up the corner of the paper towel. We also put paint in square five then used a straw to move the paint into square two.