

Monday, December 31, 2012


This is our pet cat Sushi. She is a calico cat (kind of small though). I drew this picture based off of a picture I took of her when she was a bit smaller (Sorry for not making a tutorial I was trying to get it done quickly).

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

How To Draw Person With Chicken

First you make your fade circles, As usual (don't forget the hair. I would list all the circles but that would take a while).
Then darken the hair, head, shirt, and arm.
Then using the circle on the arm make the fingers one by one. (make the finger in front last).
Then using the other circle make another hand and add more detail to the shirt and neck (as you can see I added a little more hair). And also add a mouth and darken the eyes.
Then work on the chicken. Make the beak around the edge of the face and make the comb attach to the beak (also add feathers on the wings to tell them apart from the rest of the chicken). Also add an arm coming around the chicken.
Then shadow your picture and add detail to the eyes.
Next you color in your chicken (what ever colors you want). And color in the person's eyes and mouth.
 Then color in the face and shirt.

                                                               Then color in the hair and sign (I added a little too much shadowing so try to very lightly shadow it using your charcoal pencil.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

How To Draw A Cat

 The first thing that you do is make your fade circles (again). One for the head, one for the body, three for the feet, one for the thigh, and one for the tail.
 Then you make your basic outline using your circles and add eyes, a nose, a mouth, and lines for the toe spaces.
 Then you erase your fade circles to leave only your cat.
Now it is time to add the markings. You can give your cat any design that you want, I think tabbies are easiest (even though I am not really a tabby fan).
Then you color in your cat and sign your picture. Sorry about how the black showed up and that the cat did not work out perfectly. I am planning on doing a How To Draw A Kitten some time (maybe next week).

Saturday, December 8, 2012

How To Draw A Rabbit

First you draw your fade circles for the ears, head, body, tail, thigh, and feet.
Then you make a dark outline using your lines as a guide line.
 Then erase your fade circles to reveal just your darker outline.
Now add random markings, eyes, a nose, a mouth, and lines representing the lines between the toes.
Now color in the markings the color of your choice and make a small circles near the center of the eye.
Then color the nose a light pink color in most of the eye black but leaving the circle as a light reflection then sign (Sorry about the shadowing near the bottom half of the picture).